Amsterdam + a shocking number of pictures

Mom is in Meppel this afternoon, and I've wandered my way into Vondelpark. It's a lovely sunny day, and the park is crowded, but I've found a quiet place: a large tree growing horizontally over a pond, still alive and with strong branches. The crows keep me company, and some other small bird I don't recognize.

I brought only one pen to Europe, and it is nearly out of ink. I'll need to buy another today. If I come across a stationary shop I'll go in. 

Before I came here, I was at the Anne Frank House,and when I leave I'll go to the Willet-Holthuysen House. Once again a full day of museums. 


I have acquired a new pen, not a ball point, and I am somewhat unconvinced by it. My lines are rough and uneven. At least it dries very quickly. I have not had wifi to check my location in a while, but I know I'm close to Rokin Metro station. 

I'm currently sitting on a bench next to a canal. The pancake house upstairs is next to me, and I'm considering writing here until I'm hungry, and then having an early dinner there. The Willet-Holthuysen House was beautiful, a reconfigured 19th century canal house decorated to the owners' 18th century French taste. 

I turned just now at the sound of waves to my right, and saw a boat turn sharply onto a side canal, its driver shirtless, sipping wine as he turned the vessel. The canal is busy, and I'd love to have a small motorboat to explore Amsterdam from the water. My first day here, I saw someone navigating the canal from a paddle board. 

The majority of boats passing me now are tour boats, but there also appear to be plenty of locals enjoying the sunny day from the water. Amsterdam is calmer than the other cities I've visited on this trip. People are friendly until the moment they mount a bicycle. Then they tear past, on streets, bike lanes, or sidewalks, wherever they please. They don't heed crosswalks of traffic lights, soaring blindly past 'no cycling's signs. At least the canal boats are contained to their lanes. 

Amsterdam is sunny and warm today, perfect for wandering the city. The building directly in front of me, half shielded from my view by a van parked on the sidewalk, reads "Anno 1727" across the top. At the top centre is a hook, hanging down a few feet. This hook is matched by a similar one on all three houses around it. It doesn't look like the hooks could be lowered, and it looks too far from the top window to be reached to hang something. Perhaps it was for a flag or a crest of some sort. 

The pancake house upstairs advertises itself as the smallest restaurant in Europe, but a quick Google search proves that incorrect. It's a tiny kitchen, maybe 25 ft², with a space for four table and 15 chairs. The menu is only pancakes, and the options are extensive. I didn't make a reservation, and was doubtful I would find a seat, but I climbed the red carpeted staircase and found the restaurant empty, aside from the 81 teapots hanging from the ceiling. I ordered a chocolate and coconut pancake, and it may have been the best pancake of my life.


I could get used to and really enjoy big city life, I think. The familiar regularity of transit, the opportunity for new experiences close to home. Interesting things to see, like this little skeleton dude from the guy's shirt across from me on the metro. 

This pen, although a little scratchy for my writing, is excellent for rough sketching. 

Little skeleton dude

The inside of the "Our Lord in the Attic" museum, a canal house with a hidden Catholic church from Amsterdam's protestant time 

Hummus and chicken wrap with pomegranate from the Albert Cuyp Market

Me and the mural in my hostel bedroom

Zandvoort beach near Haarlem

Zandvoort beach near Haarlem

A tractor-pulled fry trailer on the beach

View of Zuid-Kennemerland National Beach

Stork on a pedestrian overpass

Two-headed taxidermied calf head for sale in an antique market. Just to the left of this photo was a human skull (vendor claimed both items were real)

Little man riding a snail, also at the antique market

Dragonfly hair pin at Rijksmuseum 

Painted harpsichord at Rijksmuseum 

Little skull in a case at Rijksmuseum 

Flower pagodas at Rijksmuseum. A flower would be put into each bottle neck and the separating bowls filled with water 

Carving of Cupid after he's been stung by a bee. The bee is visible on the left side of his head

Pagoda on a pond at Vondelpark 

Little secluded area at Vondelpark where I sat to write this post

Gardens and house at Willet-Holthuysen House

Ceiling of the Pancake House Upstairs 

Stairs up to the Pancake House Upstairs 

Boats in Gouda

Pancakes at a restaurant in Amsterdamse Bos

Alec Benjamin concert that I attended at the Melkweg. It was so packed and hot inside that the concert had to be ended early because people were passing out. It was standing room only, and I was sitting on a rail at the top of the balcony area with my head touching the ceiling

A fresh food vending restaurant. You would tap your card next to the item you wanted, then open the door and take your food. I bot a croquette after the concert

Art at STRAAT street art museum at the NDSM Wharf 

Crane hotel at the NDSM Wharf 

Boat hotel (botel) at the NDSM Wharf 

Fountain sculpture near Rokin Metro station 

Windmills at Zaanse Schaans. View from the paint mill

Clompen at Zaanse Schaans 

Mom and bitterballen

I delayed copying this post onto my phone because I haven't been able to use a computer since Dublin.

- Aliya 


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