Happy Days

Do you ever look up and realize you're suddenly so, so happy? And it's not a change in circumstance, because you're still at the same job, still doing your best and not sure what's next, but suddenly it's enough.

I haven't read a book all of the way through since high school. It's been over two years. Last week I set my mind on reading Pride and Prejudice. I've been half-heartedly meaning to read it; it's one of Tanis' favourite stories, and I'd only seen the movie. So I split it up, reading a few chapters here and a few chapters there. I finished it in a few days (and I loved it), and then when I put it back on the shelf I saw my old Narnia books and marvelled that I hardly remembered how the story goes. So I read the first book, then the second in the same night. And I considered picking up the third, but decided instead to read my Bible, get ready for bed, and then write this. 

Last week I had an interview with my pastor to confirm if I would become a member of the church. On August 8, I will become a full member of a church for the first time. It feels like a natural next step in life, and I have put much prayerful consideration into which church to join. I have only been here for just under two months, but it seems silly to put off membership when I'm certain this is where God wills me to be. I'm a part of a ladies' Bible study, and a care group. 

My work was slow for a time, but we've picked right back up now and are working full-time with opportunity for overtime if we want it. I never take the opportunity, except when I have a health and safety committee meeting. I have other things to do with my time. Books to read, songs to write, Metallica guitar riffs to learn, countless mountains to climb. I'm thinking of learning a song on the piano. Plus, I've just acquired a sewing machine (it belong to Tanis). Think what more I could make and mend!

A select few of my plants are thriving. Kaylin told me the other day that she doesn't think our family has any particularly green thumbs, and I was tempted to say I was quite good with plants until I looked up from the video call and recalled the dead and entirely dried up strawberry hanging basket still on my balcony. Alas, what can be done for a plant that requires sun in an apartment that gets none? Our money trees, succulents, cacti, amaryllis, palm, and Benjamina Ficus are doing quite well. I won't speak of my sad bonsai that I learned too late came glued to the pot, or the aloe that is somehow dying. How do you even kill an aloe? Perhaps I'll cultivate a new one bonsai. Anyway, the oxygen in our living room is surely plentiful.

Here's a selection of pictures to show how happy I am:

A small plant with a stolen pot that made me laugh. Why steal just the pot? Perhaps to keep dirt from getting in their purse.

NASA shirt I got from a thrift store

Mexican food I got with Tanis! We've been meaning to try this restaurant, and it was excellent.

With Tanis at the restaurant

Watched Black Widow in theater with Tanis. Took this very ugly photo with terrible theater lighting. The movie was excellent!

Happy days. I'm reading through the Bible slowly from front to back, since it's been a long time since I did that. Today I finished Deuteronomy.



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