On this fine May Day

It's May already, and the weather here is sunny and bright. As I write this, I think of last year this time, when it was sometimes warm enough to walk outside without a jacket, but most of the time I forget. Nunavut is distant, and so is the girl I was there. 

Lately I've been busy making windows and doors, learning lots and really enjoying my job. I'm on the first aid team at work, and I get to treat plenty of interesting injuries, which is a benefit for me. First aid highlights of the job so far include:

- treating a co-worker who put his arm through a pane of glass and required a tourniquet for bleeding at the wrist

- treating a co-worker who slipped while drilling into steel and drilled into his thumb

I've just exceeded three months at this job, and it may be the best I've ever had. 

It's an unusual job in terms of co-workers- I work a night shift and am one of three or four staff members out of about 20 that doesn't smoke weed regularly. And I believe I'm the only Christian on my shift. But the hours are good for me, the pay is nice, and the experience I'm recieving is useful. 

My church is currently allowed to gather outside with 50 people, masked and without singing, so we gather in the church parking lot and the pastor preaches from the back steps. It's different and not perfect, but it's better than what has been available. We have not been permitted to attend church of any type since November. 

So things are moving along as they do.

- Aliya


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