Welcome to Chilliwack

Chilliwack, British Columbia! What a lovely city- framed by the mountains, like a quilt patched with greenhouses, green fields, and blackberries.

This past week I've been training to supervise the shipping floor at Rainbow Greenhouses, and the current supervisor's last day is tomorrow. My week ends up organized so that I work long days Monday-Wednesday and shorter days Thursday-Friday, with Saturdays mainly off. On the weekends I plan to make food for the next week and visit some fun places around here. Last Saturday Tanis and I went to the ocean near White Rock, and this Friday after work we hope to go up to Cultus lake with some co-workers. 

We are still planning to buy some furniture and last minute house things, and then we'll be pretty well set up here. Tanis and I live close to the greenhouse in a lovely two bedroom apartment with a balcony, and so far we're happy with it. There's enough space for us to mostly keep our things separate so that we can do our own thing (buy our own groceries, cook our own meals, etc.), rather than sharing everything. 

And we're still looking for a church here- so far we've tried one Baptist church, one Reformed Baptist, and this Sunday we are signed up to attend a Reformed church that one of our co-workers attends and invited us to. There are plenty of options here- Chilliwack has no shortage of churches! Now we just have to find one that is both welcoming and theologically sound. So far the Reformed Baptist is looking most likely, but we would like to try a few more. 

All is well here! I'm settling into my position and my new house quite well and looking forward to seeing what this year holds. 

At White Rock!

Tanis, Beth, and Joanne on Saturday night. Right after moving in we invited these two over for supper on our messy living room floor with Tanis' fancy china dishes.

Of course a sunset. These clouds were such a delightful colour over the mountain from Grandma and Grandpa's house.

- Aliya


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