New temporary job and still looking...

I keep thinking to blog, then realizing that I have nothing new to say. For the past month I've been searching for work: I've applied to over thirty jobs in all sorts of industries all over Canada, and I have now been offered an interview at three. The reason I blogged today was because today I started work as a custodian at a small outreach school. The school has one classroom, which is also the office, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and a janitor closet. I'm scheduled for 4.5 hours of cleaning every day, and there is around 2.5 hours of actual work available, so I'm cleaning everything that could conceivably stand to be cleaner. It's fewer working hours than I was hoping for (just 4.5 plus one hour of paid driving time per school day), but it's something to do and will earn me some money while I keep looking for a full-time position.

I have felt discouraged about finding a job for the past few weeks, but I know that God has already provided for me and will continue to.

In the meantime, I've had the chance to spend extra time with my family this August, including a brief visit to Chilliwack and Kelowna and a trip to the Bowden Sunmaze with my siblings. I went and got an eyebrow piercing, which I think looks great. It's pretty bruised though. Today I locked my keys in my car, but my dad brought me my spare. Life is still good. God is so good!

- Aliya


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