The Last Day

Yesterday was my last full day in Iqaluit, and it was a sunny and bright one! In the morning I set up Maxine's hammock and sat on my deck in the sun, and in the afternoon my church family had a get-together out by Becky's cabin as a send off paired with a chance to enjoy the sun together (for the first time in months, the church was able to gather!).

Becky had some slingshots, and almost everyone took a turn trying to use them to knock a can off of a rock.

A shared meal of hotdogs, attempted burgers, seal meat, and watermelon.

They built a very small fire, quickly dumped all of the hotdogs onto a grill on top, and cooked them all at once. Then they tried to make some burgers on the grill as well, but they mainly fell apart and fell into the fire. The wood supply ran out quickly and the fire was mostly out in an hour- I suppose that's how it goes when there are no trees around!

And finally, the view from my hammock yesterday morning.

I spent the evening doing last minute packing, and now I'm writing this from the airport after Loretta and Julia Hitz gave me a ride there. In about half an hour I'll be in the air on my way to Ottawa!

Iqaluit, you've been wonderful. Someday I hope to return.

- Aliya


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