Today's episode of "The Plan Changes Yet Again"

And the story progresses! It is 0° here today, and everything is melting. It may be time to retire my winter parka (and maybe even my sealskin mittens!) for the year. We're getting over 18 hours of light per day now, and in two weeks we'll be getting as much light (from dawn to dusk) as Lac La Biche receives on the four days surrounding summer solstice. In under a month we'll be at 24 hours of light! While at winter solstice the sun rose in the South and set in the South, it now rises in the East and sets in the West. My back deck faces south and gets a lot of sunlight right now.

Since Alberta has banned public gatherings for the summer, I'm expecting to hear soon that camp is cancelled. There is still a chance, however unlikely, that staff will still go to do camp upgrading, but that is looking less likely. When I hear about camp I'll make my final decisions about the summer.

I say final like I've ever made a final decision in my life. Everything is fluid, and I think it's better this way. Speaking of fluid, my plans for this fall are starting to fall into place, not exactly the way that I expected.

Regardless of whether camp runs in any form, I'll be back in Alberta by mid-July. I've applied to a one year biblical studies certificate program at Alberta Bible College in Calgary, and, God willing, I'll spend September-April there. I'm planning to move to Calgary near the middle of August to move into my new house/apartment/whatever and get settled. It will be another interesting chapter of my life, vastly different than my experiences so far. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most by far is being able to shop at zero-waste grocery stores. That's not a thing up here, so moving to a larger center will be good for that.

I'm also looking forward to being closer to my parents and siblings, and one more development that is currently a secret since it involves more people than just me and is still in the planning stages.

Check back for more updates on that as spring progresses!

- Aliya


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