Since when do entire territories close?

Well it finally happened- Nunavut is closed to the public. How many weeks has it been since this started? No one expected it to go this far. Nunavut's health minister announced today that no one would be allowed in other than Nunavumiut (residents of Nunavut) and essential service providers, who will need written permission from the Government of Nunavut. Anyone let in will first be required to be isolated for two weeks in the city they are flying out of (Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Edmonton, I believe) before being allowed to fly. Right now cargo is still being flown up, and that won't stop easily. The North relies on shipping of food, medicine, and other supplies by air since it is not accessible by ground, so no community in Nunavut (including Iqaluit) can survive without cargo flights.

I'm waiting for the time when I sit down to write a blog post and the topic on my mind ISN'T the coronavirus. Maybe someday soon. I'll write a new post tonight after this one about something else.

The closure of Nunavut is likely to make it so that my mom can't visit me up here. That's not guaranteed yet, but her visit is scheduled for two weeks and two days from today: basically enough time to self-isolate if she started now. And if this travel restriction remains, she wouldn't be allowed up anyway. It's a strange time.

Nunavut still has no confirmed cases, but around 80 people have been tested here, with 30 back so far and all negative. The other 50 are apparently still awaiting results and are in self-isolation.

- Aliya


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