If Ever You Wonder

Some more blanket answers for anyone who's wondering about me:

1) The coronavirus is not in Nunavut yet, but we're expecting case confirmation within a few days (it takes four days for us to confirm any cases). I'm prepared to go into quarantine if necessary, and no, I'm not stocking up on toilet paper. It's honestly the least of my concerns.

2) I still have no plan at all. Here's the tentative idea:

June 26- back in AB for Tanis' grad
June 28- start at camp
August 10- end of camp
Rest of August- staying around AB, bit of short-range traveling, and getting ready for:
Early September- start Bible college

After the end of Bible college I continue to have no plan. These things will sort themselves out, and I'll keep trusting God.

Depending how things progress with the virus, I may end up back in AB sooner. Keep an eye out for updates on that.

3) For anyone who wants to pray for me! I appreciate it, and right now I'm asking you to pray for me to keep my focus on God with everything that's going on (coronavirus, unemployment, uncertainty, etc.). I recognize that God is sovereign, but it can be hard to keep my eyes on Him when everything around me is unsure. Perhaps that's why He has me where I am- so that I learn not to depend on outside powers for stability. I'd also like prayer for clarity of thought as I make decisions.

4) So far 2020 has been a really strange year for me. February was not a great month for me, but things are looking up. I truly am happy here, and I'm confident that I'm doing what I should be doing.

5) I do not have a job right now. I've had the chance to make some meals for families here while I've had time without work, and I'm still on city payroll until March 19, so financially I am fine. I am looking for some work, but chances of that are decreasing as the virus comes closer. Friends of mine who are involved in government expect near-immediate quarantine orders when the first case is confirmed, so any decision I make to stay or go will have to be made soon. I might just lay low and wait out this storm before finding work.

That is the majority of what is going on here right now. If you want to know more or keep up with what I'm doing, I'm always happy to talk about it. Send me a message if you feel inclined- especially if I end up quarantined; I'll want people to talk to!

- Aliya


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