Chaos- Quit my job!

So the chaos continues. Just as I thought everything might settle down a little, I entered another round.

The current manager at the aquatic centre does not utilize my favourite management style. I won't say much more about her on here- it doesn't seem worth it to go into all of it yet again. My job under her has been absolutely exhausting and mentally/emotionally draining for the last several months, and I finally put in my notice on Friday, February 28 (the same day that the only other full-time guard quit) at around 3:00. I got a response almost immediately, directing me to clean out my office and hand in my uniform by 4:00 that day. I was shocked, truly. When I asked why I was being pushed out that way, I was given no answer, and I'm really confused by the whole situation. I've gotten text messages from several lifeguards and other staff (at least 8 people), saying some variation of 'I will miss you and I thought you did a great job here'. One told me that I was the best boss she's ever had, which was touching. Every parent of swimming lesson children that I've run into since then have said that they are sad about that and their child will be too.

One that made me feel nice but also broke my heart a bit more than the others was a tiny little girl who came running to give me a hug today, and, after talking a bit, said "See you at swimming!".

An adult who I taught said "What?! But you made me a swimmer!"

I always said I would never quit mid-session because it wasn't worth it to break up a lesson set. I didn't have a choice in this one- I specifically put in notice to finish out my classes. But that was not to be, for reasons that I cannot comprehend and no one will explain.

Honestly, I'm not stressed about this. I am financially fine. God's plan is still at work and doesn't actually depend on my comfort or my employment at all. I'm sure that this is all pointing me to whatever God intends for me next; whether it's further blessing, a chance to be a blessing, or trials to draw me closer to Him. My prayer is that I can see whatever comes of this as orchestrated by God, even if I can't figure out the tune.

I'm thinking of trying substitute teaching at the younger schools just for something new. A downside to that is that subbing won't have guaranteed hours, and, while the pay is alright (good for subbing at least), it's significantly less than I was making at the pool. But that is to be expected with whatever job I get. I could also try applying to be a hostess at the Frobisher (a hotel with a nice restaurant attached) or a barista (is that what it's called? I don't think so) at the Black Heart (coffee shop).

And if the manager leaves before approximately June, I'll consider reapplying to work at the Aquatic Centre. If not, maybe I'll move back down south in time for Tanis' grad, stay for all of camp, and then go to Bible college in the fall.

What comes will come. I'll be good.

God will still be good.

- Aliya


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