Capitalism and the North (mostly capitalism though)

The North, in general, hates capitalism. I can't tell you how many posts I've seen on Iqaluit Rant and Rave and other pages requesting free services in the past weeks. It's become even more since the coronavirus has become a big issue up here. Today someone posted the following suggestion on Iqaluit Public Service Announcements:

"I'm sure with all the talented people that can sew, that these might be a good business opportunity right now- homemade mouth masks.  I'm sure there is a need."

It seemed like a good suggestion to me- many people living here are skilled seamstresses (what do you call a male seamstress??), and a small business opportunity could help some people in difficult times. Someone commented under the post:

"Or maybe ppl should donate material and others make them and give them to seniors and sick 1st ... and then others ."

It is a valid suggestion. Of course we should take care of our elders as a society and recognize that they need extra support sometimes, but this comment is a good demonstration of the general view of many of the people that I've met or heard from up here. A blanket statement that I think people who post this kind of comment would agree with would be "Capitalism, and monetizing services and products, takes advantage of people by acting at their expense."

It is no secret that I have problems with capitalism as it is playing out in Western countries (I can't speak for other countries), but capitalism at it's foundation is effective BECAUSE it allows people to turn a profit at other's expense. Expense is just cost. Seller makes money because purchaser is spending it. Products and services come at a cost, so they are sold at someone's expense. So doing something at someone else's expense isn't foundationally wrong- no one would create product if they were not rewarded for it (yes you can say that people would do it just to better society, but you know they wouldn't do it sustainably).

So if creating a product at someone's expense is not inherently wrong but the way that Canada is acting out capitalism is improper, then what is the balance? If I thought anyone would listen to me I would write a manifesto like all of the historical economy people.

First, let's talk about the merits of capitalism. I'll try to be non-partial here:

1) Capitalism encourages hard work by everyone by giving everyone a chance to earn money. It doesn't run strictly (or at least openly) on your family status.

2) It has been proven more effective than alternatives at running for a long time (but at what cost?)

3) It has historically been more fair than alternative economic schemes.

4) Biblically:

2 Thessalonians 3:10 'For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."

Next, the downfalls of capitalism:

1) It doesn't work in every case. Not everyone can be a billionaire or a millionaire. There isn't enough to go around like that, so someone is going to miss out if people act selfishly or for some reason have an advantage.

2) The cost of effectiveness can be great. Capitalism led to huge slave trades, some of which are still going on. If the individual is more important than the collective, big names will always crush the small.

3) While capitalism is theoretically a leveling mechanism, it has become an imbalance of power.

4) Biblically:

Acts 4:34 'there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales'

Communism/socialism, capitalism, and everything in between all lead to the same end result (fight me. You'll see soon. Just kidding, Dad, let's discuss this reasonably 😂). The result is one or several people on top of a power pyramid wielding wealth or some other form of power over the general public. The masses. The proletariat, if you will. Here's a scenario: everyone started on the same economic level. Somebody gained power and became richer than the others. That person/group built a sort of economic empire with everyone working under them for the right to survive. Was I talking about capitalism or communism?

So what is the answer? In every situation, economies tend towards group domination if given time. Therefore, the solution is to not give it time. The ideal economic society within the constraints of fallen humanity is a short-lived scheme designed to collapse and be reformed before it reaches the end point. Small economies. Tiny towns in the middle of nowhere. They'll never last, but that's the point. I discussed this before, so I'm not going to get into it too much (I might later if I'm looking for someone to do while practicing social distancing).

In conclusion, the economy sucks and always will, but we can get some reprieve by forming miniature societies to last a generation or two.

- Aliya


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